International Versions

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All these files are free for personal use only. You may give away as many copies as you want. If you have any questions, suggestions or any problems downloading please leave a comment.

Here is a list of international Book of Mormons in PDF. These were not translated by the creator. These were hand typed from the printed international versions produced by the LDS Church. Every effort was made to accurately transcribe the books into these languages. If there are any errors made in any of these versions please leave a comment. These are the work of Susan of New York. Please visit her website and leave her a thank you note.

You can view online or download the Doctrine and Covenants in 8 languages. They are also in PDF. Please visit Susan of New York’s website for Word format and more information. You will need a PDF viewer or a plugin for online viewing. If you need one you can download one free here.

Please visit the LDS Catalog International Book of Mormon page if you want to order a hardbound copy of the Book of Mormon in your language .

Here is a list of languages that have Church publications online . Visit here for your country’s official LDS site.

Arabic — (From the LDS Catalog)

Chinese —– Chinese LDS Resources at Erik’s

Dutch — D&C – Download — Online: De Schriften

DanishD&C — Online: Skrifterne – Online: text/ audio

Finnish —  Official Book of Mormon and D&C online

French — D&COnline: Le Livre de Mormon – Audio

German — D&COnline: Das Buch Mormon —  Audio 

Hatian Book of Mormon

Hebrew This is Tom Irvine’s ongoing effort to translate the Book of Mormon into Hebrew. This is only a partial translation of the Book of Mormon into Hebrew. This is NOT endorsed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints nor is it the official translation of the Church. If you would like to proofread or help in the translation please contact him. For more information please visit his site.

Hungarian (Official Book of Mormon and D&C online)

Italian — D&C — Online: Il Libro di Mormon 


Portuguese — D&C – Online: As Escrituras –  Audio

Norwegian — D&C — Online: SkrifteneAudio

SpanishD&C — Online — Las Escrituras

Swedish — D&C —  Online — Sverige

Tagalog — D&C

Tongan (Official Book of Mormon and D&C online)


If you want to translate text or a website online try Babelfish at Altavista.
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155 thoughts on “International Versions”

  1. I am looking for a book of mormon in arabic. do you have any suggestions.

    thank you
    Michelle Gill

  2. Sorry took so long to reply. I have not found any Arabic versions, yet. I don’t believe there is an official version. If anyone wants to do an unofficial version please let me know. Thanks.

  3. There is also an Arabic language Book of Mormon at . It is Item number 30922102, and sells for $3.00 (US).

  4. Is there a ebook wersion of Book of Mormon in Polish? I’ve looked everywhere, but
    in the end I couldnt find it. Sorry for my bad grammar.

  5. Not at this time. I am sure it won’t be long before one is available. At this time, the Church website ( has the Scriptures in Danish, German, English, Spanish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Dutch, and Portuguese. It won’t be long, I am sure. Please be patient. When it comes available, we will let everyone know!

  6. Looking for an e copy of the Book of Mormon in Afrikaans for my friend who is going on a mission to South Africa.

  7. Does anyone know where I can get a the scripture in French audio format?

  8. At the moment I don’t find the scriptures in French in audio format. On the Church website I see there are audio formats for Spanish, Portuguese, and English. Hopefully French will be available soon. You can check this for yourself at,18615,5249-1,00.html . I don’t find anything in the listings at the Distribution Center.

  9. Geody, I have started typing the Book of Mormon in Afrikaans, but have not gotten very far. If your friend is serving a mission where he is required to speak Afrikaans, he will receive a copy of the scriptures in that language at the MTC. Most people in South Africa speak English. My friends in South Africa have said that they do have a Book of Mormon in Afrikaans, but they don’t use it, as they use English.

  10. Alan Whitcomb said:

    Why not scan the scriptures, then OCR them?

    Because I just moved from Spain to Odgen, I don’t have my scanner any more.. would that be of help? I have the scriptures in Spanish, but this might be a way to get the other languages relativly easily.

    I know a year ago, while in Spain (was not a missionary there) I had a need for a BOM in Russian.. but was out of luck.

    I like what your doing here.

  11. Thank you Alan. I tried scanning them with OCR, but it did not work very well. The accents and special characters don’t come through. It was more work than typing. I’ve tried for years to get help with my project, but no one wants to help me. I’d love to get the Afrikaans, Haitian Creole, and Tahitian versions typed in Word.

    I have not attempted to do languages like Russian and Greek, since they use a different alphabet. I have quite a few languages to work from in my home, due to my collection of Book of Mormons. I work on them as I have time and energy. I started out with French, Spanish, and German. When I started it was very hard to find any language other than English on the internet.

    Uft36 and I got together when we discovered we had a similar idea. We are sharing ideas and helping each other, but I still need help with getting the last few languages typed. If you want to help, you are welcome to. Just let me know.

    • Hi Susan,

      I’m not sure how soon I could complete it, but I would love to help you with the Tahitian. Please respond as I have selected to be notified of follow-up comments. 🙂

      • That would be great Brenda! I’d love the help. We never know who wants to have access to an e-version of the Book of Mormon! You can email me at nymormon (at)gmail (dot) com to discuss this privately. I can send you what I have, which isn’t much, as an example of how I want it done.

      • Sorry, I didn’t know how to respond to a comment. 🙂

        That would be wonderful! I just got back from Tahiti and Huahine (which is fairly remote). I was surprised to find that they had internet access all over the place! I would love to be a part of this. 🙂

        And yes, please send me what you have! Anything would be great!

  12. I just learned today that 3 more languages are online at Now you can read the Book of Mormon and D&C online in Finnish, Norwegian, and Swedish. More languages are being added regularly. Just go to and click on the language link on the right to choose the language of your choice. The default says English (at least for me).

  13. Found Italian BoM audio:

    Might be good to mirror them someplace in case the site disappears.

    • i keep trying this link to find the italian BoM audio do you have any advice to help me please?

      • I just tried this link, Sean, and it worked for me. I don’t know what browser you are using, what security settings you have, what you are seeing when you try to open the page, etc. Perhaps if you try a different browser it will open for you.

  14. Hi, I think what you´re doing is just great! Hey, I´m looking for the audio of the BofM in French, do you know where I can find it? By the way, here there´s a link to the Audio of the BofM in German, for anyone that is looking for it, it is the an old version, but it is pretty good, and the new version I couldn´t find it. So I hope this help anyone looking for it. Please tell me if you have any information. =)

  15. Andy, so far we don’t know of an audio Book of Mormon in French. So far, the Church has English, Spanish and Portuguese in audio format. I am sure it won’t be long before they have French available.

    Thank you for the link to audio files of the Book of Mormon in German.

  16. lance swapp said:

    Do you have an online japanese book of mormon?

  17. Gracias por poner a disposición estas versiones del Libro de Mormón. Thank you very much for give us the chance of gettig copies of the BoM in other lenguajes. Thanks

  18. The audio from the tapes for the old French version are available here in mp3:
    Update: Link deleted

    Thanks for all the other links.

  19. Lance, I do not know if there is an online version of the Japanese Book of Mormon. A quick websearch gave me many lines to the Book of Mormon, but I couldn’t find one in Japanese. You can order a copy of the Book of Mormon in Japanese from the Church Distribution Center, at, and searching for item #34407300. It costs $2.50 (US).

  20. Um, I am sure I’m going to live to regret this, but I did learn a bit of Afrikaans and I’ve been looking for a way to force myself to do the BoM chapter by chapter, verse by verse. I’ve recently tried with Russian and Greek, but I’m still too new with those languages to be very successful. I would be willing to volunteer to work on the Afrikaans version but think it work best if I had a proof-reader, since I don’t trust myself THAT well. I will need some time to get a copy

    • Thomas, if you email me at nymormon (at) gmail (dot) com, we can discuss this. I’d be very happy to have your help with this project, but only if you really want to help. You only do as much as you can, when you can. There’s no time table.

  21. Thanks, Brenda and Thomas for your help. Please let me know your progress on these projects. Whenever you two are finished I can include these versions on this page for everyone to enjoy.

    • Don’t worry! As soon as they are finished, I’ll convert them to PDF and send them to you! This is a joint project, remember! We’re all working together on this.
      I’ll have Finnish and Tagalog ready for you in a few weeks. Keep a look out.

    • When I received Susan’s message, I exchanged emails with her and just assumed that she was responsible for the website. Sorry, uft36, hope I didn’t step on any toes! Susan has shared the 1/4 of Die Boek of Mormon transcription and I should have a hard copy of die Boek early next week. Once I get started actually transcribing, I can set some goals and provide an estimate of a finish date.

      I believe very strongly in this work, even if there are other ways for folks to get either a hard copy or online version of the Scriptures. While the official Church website is a wonderful tool, I have a dial-up connection and prefer local copies of documents I access regularly. I also know there are other people out there who might only have access to the Internet at work or for only an hour or two a day on a public terminal. If they can save the file to a disk, they might still be able to read it on a palm, phone, or older computer. Maybe they just want to print a couple pages….whatever the need, I’m all for making the Word available in as many formats and languages as possible! I would also not be surprised if certain countries block access to the official Church websites, but maybe citizens can still access the versions included on pages like this one.

      Depending on how Afrikaans goes, I might be willing to volunteer to work on another version, especially if it isn’t available on the Church site just yet. As I mentioned to Susan, I do have both a Russian and Greek Book of Mormon though I’m just starting to study both languages.

      • Hi, Thomas! No, you didn’t step on any toes. Susan is the main person to go to for any questions on the international versions of the Book of Mormon. You and others like you are the main reason I originally started this website. I wanted to provide electronic versions for anyone with older computers and have difficulty obtaining a copy because of restrictions, whatever they may be. Finding Susan’s international versions expanded my goal of reaching countries that have difficulties in obtaining their versions, also. I envisioned missionaries in certain Arab countries giving electronic versions of the Book of Mormon instead of hard copies where they may be illegal to have. I hope you get to the Russian version soon because I have been wanting that version for a long time. I feel that this has been needed for a long time in that country. Thank you for all your help.

  22. OK I won’t worry, Susan. 🙂 I know you and everyone that is involved is doing a great job on these projects. And I know God is very pleased on how well this project is going. Thank you for all of your hard work. It is exciting to know that people from all over the world will be able to send and receive free Book of Mormons and to read them in their own language.

  23. The stories are incredibly well written and set a gold standard for what could be a narrative sermon. ,

  24. Carter Johnson said:

    I just got my mission call and will be speaking Haitian Creole, its a dialect of french. I was wondering if anyone knew where I could get a BofM in that language or a place I could listen to it online, so I can get familiar with the language before I leave. I speak a little french and when I was looking at the language, it was way different. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    • Carter, you can purchase the Book of Mormon in many languages through the Church Distribution Center. You can find the Distribution Center online at The Haitian Creole version is Item Number 34407036, and costs $2.50 USD.

      Congratulations on your mission, and good luck!

  25. Jeremy Iglehart said:

    I have a Russian copy of the book of Mormon in a text file. I am not sure if it is 100% accurate but I’ve inspected it and it seams to be correct to me. If anyone would like a copy please feel free to contact me. My email address is Jeremy /dot/ Iglehart /at/ gmail /dot/ com

    Have a great day,

    У Меня есть Книга Мормона на русском язике в “текст файле”. Если тебе эта нужна пожалуйста отпровлай мне email: Jeremy (dot) Iglehart (at) gmail (dot) com

  26. wondering if we have any work on the b.o.m. in macedonian language yet?

  27. The Church does not have a Book of Mormon in the Macedonian language of makedonski jazik; but there is a translation in Slovencina and Slovenscina, which are considered dialects of the Macedonian languages. So far, the Church does not have any members in Macedonia, so has not had a need to translate the Book of Mormon into the language.

    • Lol, that’s why they need to translate the Book of Mormon into that language! So there WILL be members there! 😂😂😂

      • The process of translating the Book of Mormon from English into a new language sometimes takes years to complete. The process begins only after the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles have approved the project and there are **enough members who are native speakers** of the language to serve as translators.

  28. Does anyone have scriptures in Bulgarian?

    • Mariya, the Book of Mormon is available in Bulgarian through the Church Distribution Center. You can find it at It is Item #34406112 and costs $3 (US). It took me a few minutes to figure out how to find it, since the new website is different from the old one. If you put in the item number, it will take you to a page that shows the Book of Mormon. There is a dropdown menu that says Language. Click on the arrow and scroll down to find Bulgarian.

      I hope that this is helpful to you.

      • it’s not available as a PDF file though, right?

      • We do not have the Book of Mormon in Bulgarian in Word or PDF format. Sorry, Mariya. You can order it through the Distribution Center, or ask your local Missionaries for a copy of it — if you are in Bulgaria.

  29. I rumor having heard that Joseph Smith said that Navaho is the language closest to the Adamic language. Whether this can be proven or not proven can we find out whether anyone would want to help get this language published in text and audio online?

    • PaulPablo, I do not know if Joseph Smith said this or not. The Church decides which languages to translate the Book of Mormon into. I don’t know what criteria they use to make this decision, but they know when it is time to translate into a specific language. The goal is to have the Book of Mormon translated into the majority of the world’s languages so that everyone on the Earth will be able to read the Book of Mormon in their own language.

    • I know a brother in my ward that served his mission Speaking Navajo, he’s also an Audio Book Narrator; I’ll ask him, he might be up to the challenge.

      • Luke, it is commendable that you want to help with this, but it is up to the Church, not individuals, to decide which languages to translate the Book of Mormon into. As a rule, from what I understand, the Church looks at the various languages, and native speakers. Native Americans mostly speak English, and many learn some of the native languages of their tribes. I live in an area where we have many Mohawks. None of the youth of the tribe speak Mohawk, or even have a desire to learn the language. Those who can teach the language are few, and will be gone before too much longer. I do not know much about the Navajo, if they teach their language to their young, how many speak the language, etc. Our Church leaders are in the best position to decide whether or not there is a need for the Book of Mormon in Navajo.

      • The Book of Mormon is available in Navajo. I have a copy of the cassettes from some 20 years ago, but it is only “part of the BoM”. A guy in my ward went on his mission to the Navajo Nation, but didn’t have a full version avalable then (he went in the mid-70’s, though).

        I seriously doubt Joseph Smith made any comments about Navajo (for logistical reasons, mostly).

        Navajo is an Athabasken language, with roots and related langauges and dialects all the way up the west coast of North America, and down the east coast of Russia/Siberia. There are some linguists who postulate that Korean is a distant relative to Navajo. I know there are some similar sounding words in Japanese and Navajo (whose meanings aren’t at all similar), but that is no “proof” of relatedness between Japanes and Navajo. There is a native Navajo speaker in my ward, and she tells me the Navajo Nation is one of the few Native American groups (in the US, at least) that actively strives to keep the language alive. But, regardless, the Book of Mormon has been in print for several years. I don’t know about soft copy formats, though. In this day of e-readers, it would be nice to have one, though!

      • It would be interesting to know what the authorities of the church do when they receive revelation. I know the process to listen to the Spirit and I know too that Elder Bednar does WORK to find out what he knows and through the process the Lord gives him strength and revelation. I sustain the brethren.

        I wonder: which people are involved in this process in the spirit of this website?

        I want to sustain and this is the spirit in which I inquire.

  30. Aramaic and Latin question. I know the Bible has Latin and Hebrew bases. When we read the Bible and look at the original meanings associated with many specific word associations and when we can pull historical and cultural facts all together it helps broaden our understanding.

    Likewise if the Book of Mormon was derived from Aramaic can we gain some insight from seeing it in Aramaic? In Isaiah, for example there are multiple times we see dual meanings. I know the English version was originally written in Hebrew and Aramaic or so I learned and then written in reformed Egyptian and that the translation from Joseph Smith was divine. Furthermore, can we derive a more complete full meaning by going back to the Aramaic language?

    • PaulPablo, English is a Germanic language, it is not based on Latin, though some of our prefixes and suffixes have Latin roots. The Bible was originally written in Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek, and subsequently translated into Latin, and English (as well as many other languages). Our English translation was made from the Hebrew, as I understand it.

      The Book of Mormon peoples spoke Hebrew and wrote the Book of Mormon in Reformed Egyptian. The translation into English was done under divine inspiration. There would be no purpose for the Church to translate the Book of Mormon into Aramaic or Latin, since very few people today can read Latin. It is not a spoken language. And there would be no purpose to translate the Book of Mormon into Aramaic just so that we could “derive a more complete” understanding. How could we, since we don’t speak that language. We would find no benefit at all. We can only derive a more complete understanding by reading it in a language that we understand, which for me is English.

      • Ti. Cassius Atellus said:


        You might be surprised at how much Latin is in English. Please don’t misunderstand: I’m not saying that Latin is terribly relevant or accessible, but it is a huge part of our beloved first language, English.
        You are correct: English is a germanic language, and not a romance language. That said, most of the English vocabulary came to be taken from Latin roots. Even in the cases where words we use come from the Spanish, French, or Italian, even they all originated in Latin. Several studies have placed words taken from Latin and Latin-based languages at 50-60% of the English vocabulary.

        Personally, I think it would be fantastic if the Book of Mormon were to be translated into Latin, as Latin is being learned and used more and more by scholars and entusiasts alike around the world, from lowly and informal settings like internet forums and chatrooms to formal wedding ceremonies and speeches.

        I would love to have another precious volume of scripture made available in one of the most wonderful languages to exist, even if it’s not officially sanctioned by the Church.

      • I just saw where the BYU Dept. of Humanities, Classics, and Comparative Literature has a variety of latin courses.

      • Re: The Book of Mormon in latin. “Susan” says it is not available because no one
        speaks that language nor would it contribute to a “more complete understanding”.
        A principle of genealogy research is that the closer documentation is recorded to the time of an event, the more credible it becomes. Paul was the most prolific writer of the New Testament. As a Roman citizen it appears his epistles were originally in the latin language, and even during the time of the Savior, being under administration of the Roman Empire, in that language, although the original texts probably were not available to the King James translators who relied on repeated hand copying to preserve them for over 1300 years. It appears the Catholic priesthood do use this language verbally today, and that idiomatic expressions and meanings of specific words “understood” in use at the time Paul wrote them may be useful in applying them to corresponding language used by the Lord in the same time frame when he used them in the New World. For example, although “we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God [period]”, 3 Ne.12:32 “… whoso shall marry her who is divorced committed adultery”, is a standard not generally considered to be “politically correct” as applicable to our day, ignoring the Hosea 2:7 guidance, and must be either avoided in conversational dialogue or explained away by a variety of theories. In my two years of formal training in this language in high school I found my study of Caesar’s Gallic Wars most helpful, which was written barely 100 years before Paul’s writings, and I find helpful for added insight in comparing the other latin languages I have read. Mostly, however, I pick up on these “more complete under- standing” in the rereading without looking for them. Nevertheless, as a practical matter, if such latin translation were undertaken it would be partial. I was only inter- ested in locating whatever translation has already been done, even by former Cath- olic priests or monks. Legal and medical terms in this language may also be helpful.

  31. And although somewhat a dead language it would be cool to see Latin word equivalents. Anyone want to publish Moroni 7 and 10 for starts? I may do an Isaiah chapter upcoming…

    I like the simplicity of Nephi (like milk) and the broad depth of Isaiah (meat). It’s wonderful that the Book of Mormon can be studied from a multitude of angles.

    • PaulPablo777,

      I realize I’m quite late to this game, but did you ever follow through and actually translate Moroni 7 and 10? I started with Moroni 10:3-5, just to help me along with my own study of Latin, and I’d be curious to compare notes and who knows, possibly start a rather exciting collaborative group that many can point and mock at as being pointless. 🙂

  32. PaulPablo, you seem to be obsessed with Latin. If you can speak and read Latin, that’s wonderful. Latin is the basis for the Romance languages, which includes Italian, French, Portuguese, and Spanish, among others. English, on the other hand is a Germanic language, which include German, Dutch, English, and Yiddish, among others. Many of the prefixes and suffixes have Latin roots, and many words have been borrowed from the Romance languages.

    There is no point in trying to translate the Book of Mormon into Latin, since it is not a spoken language in the world. Latin is a dead language, spoken only by scholars and clergy.

    If translating the Book of Mormon into Latin would benefit you, then by all means do so for your own benefit, but how could it benefit anyone who does not know the language? And, how could it benefit anyone any better than the person’s native language would?

    Perhaps what would be more beneficial would be to look up words that you do not know and write down synonyms for them in parenthesis after the word.

    • Susan,

      Many church scholars delve into synonyms from other languages as a legitimate way to attach more truth to what was previously a more singular interpretation of a word or concept. I appreciate what you do here. May I add something that may come across critical with the intention of explaining myself? It sounds condescending to say “obsessed”–it’s disrespectful even though your intentions are probably good aside from the mixup. True there may be little point in translating into Latin although, but your suggestion to write down synonyms is a great suggestion. In fact, many scholars help draw out meaning from historical context. I hope you would not dismiss the legitimacy of doing that although “no point” does not given any credit to the benefit derived.

      Looking at one word we may see just one example of how this applies. When we look at the word “charity” we can get a deeper understanding of the word given that, caritas was the Latin translation for the Greek word agapē, “an unlimited loving-kindness to all others”. Perhaps that unlimited love is conditional, yet it certainly gives respect to views that are not fully understood. So while seeing “no point” and while “obsessed” may be termed in ways to claim knowledge on an unexplained principle, there are many benefits to having the Book of Mormon in other languages (just as word translations). I can see you gave credit to that aspect. If someone explains something partially it is good to try to find out what the person is saying instead of saying “no point” or “obsessed”. The idea of Zionism is to come together and be one. This is what I would like to see happen.

      Furthermore, I have seen translations of a particular word into other languages in scripture and I have noticed a more clear understanding of the word. It is helpful to have multiple interpretations on a given word so that we can be inspired as to the meaning of the word. This is what I meant to share and while I’m critical I can also say I share it with a love for God, a love for you and others and what you do to help. The benefit I derive from this site is to help me see the Book of Mormon from more than one linguistic perspective.

  33. I was wondering if by chance you had one in greek?

    • No, I don’t have an e-version in Greek. Since Greek uses a completely different alphabet, it would be difficult for me to type it! You can order a Greek edition through It is item #30922133, and costs $3 (US).

      If you wish to type the Greek edition of the Book of Mormon, we would be very happy to make it available through this website.

      • This item number is just a regular English copy of the Book of Mormon. Can you please provide a link?

      • correction: I thought I would clarify before you got to it: It IS English, but you can select a drop down for Greek. Thank you for the effort of making it available on this site as a reference!

      • PaulPablo, the item number for the Greek version is #30922133, for the English version it is 30922000. The last 3 digits indicate the language. You are correct in noting that you have to select the language from the dropdown menu. This was confusing the first time I went looking for a specific language. Thank you for pointing out this one step.

  34. BYU-Idaho has a great Audio version of the French Book of Mormon. It wasn’t approved by the Church, but students can get it. They also have a few other versions. The cost is about $3 from their media copy shop.

    • I just called the School; it sounds like you must know a student or teacher in order to purchase one. It is, however, a wonderful resource and worth the $3-4.

  35. Robert Govia said:

    french audio book of mormon is not avaible, there is other?

  36. PaulPablo777 said:

    “Great are the words of Isaiah.” Our Savior Jesus encouraged us in the Book of Mormon to study Isaiah it is good to note the legitimacy of multiple meanings and dualism that Isaiah had flowering in his poetic meanings throughout his prophetic warnings and testimony of Christ.

    I thought it was interesting to see how half way down the page you will see multiple cultural meanings of legitimate differing translations. This applies to the Bible, but the same principles apply to the Book of Mormon:

    Thank you for your posts everyone!

  37. Please, where can I get the books of Mormon with audio and transcription.
    Any kind of reply would mostly appreciated.

    • You can download the Book of Mormon in many languages right here, just look to the top of this page for links to the different languages that are available.

      Audio files of some languages are available on the Church website, at

  38. lance Layton said:

    looking for audio BOM in Tagalog

    • Lance, Go back to the top of this page and look at the list of languages. Tagalog is listed. Click on the link and you will be able to download it.

  39. Omar Cardona said:

    you can found the book of mormon french audio here

    i was looking for this for a long time hahaha and you can download just left click and then in save link as and thats all it will download it 🙂

    • christiane watts said:

      This link is no longer working. Do you have any idea where I can find a french audio of the Book of Mormon? Thank you so much!

  40. I’m looking for a Tagalog Book of Mormon *AUDIO* version. Does anyone have any ideas if one exists? I couldn’t find one through the distribution center so I’m looking for an unofficial audio version.

  41. Travis Stehmeier said:

    I have a pdf copy of the Book of Mormon in Russian, how can I get it to you to distribute?


    • Oh, Thank you! We have had several requests for the Russian edition! Please email it to me at nymormon (at) yahoo (dot) com and I will make sure it is made available to all of our visitors!! Thank you again, Travis.

  42. Yes hi, I would REALLY Appreciate it if a version of the BoM was in Japanese with audio here. please comment back soon. 🙂

    • Ezra, We are glad that you found this site. It’s great that you want to have the Scriptures in Japanese, but typing in Japanese is difficult for those of us who do not know the language. It takes a special font set to type in Japanese, which is much different from the Latin fonts that we are familiar with.

      You can read the scriptures in Japanese by visiting . You can download the audio files at,18692,5297-78,00.html .

      The new Church website takes a bit of getting used to. I had a hard time finding the audio files!

  43. Mr Maiko O. Drozd said:

    Thank you for sharing all these materials. I would like to help you out translating this page to Portuguese.

    • Mr Maiko. I am looking for the BOM D&C and PoGP in portuguese, in word format, not PDF. Since you are looking to help translate this page into portuguese, I thought you might know where to help me find the versions I’m looking for. You can email me at

      • Yahoo! Team said:

        Re: Book of Mormon in Portuguese I was Mission Secretary in Brazil in l962 and we had a translator, I suppose who assisted with the 1985 reprinting. I did buy a copy and read it again earlier this year when I also got it in Spanish, French, German, and Italian and asked about it in Latin because I had had two years of it in school and thought it was the Roman language for Jesus’ trial to compare it with Talmadge’s Jesus the Christ. However, those books only cost $2 each from Deseret Book because they were liquidating their supply.

        William W. Choate

        proprietary-copyright-2017 et seq.

      • Nelsonwhiting, I have Word files for the Book of Mormon, D&C, and Pearl of Great Price in Portuguese. If you wish, I can email them to you. I hesitate to send an email before I ask your permission. The files I have are the ones that were used to create the PDFs that are available on here.

      • No worries. I just found all the pdfs and used an online converter to put them all into word format. If you have the JST all compiled in one document in word format, I could definitely use that.

        Thanks a million!

        Nelson P. Whiting c: (801) 815-9017

        On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 11:12 AM, The Book of Mormon Project wrote:

        > Susan Pixley commented: “Nelsonwhiting, I have Word files for the Book of > Mormon, D&C, and Pearl of Great Price in Portuguese. If you wish, I can > email them to you. I hesitate to send an email before I ask your > permission. The files I have are the ones that were used to cr” >

  44. I’ve been searching all over for an electronic copy of the Book of Mormon in Arabic. I have the hardcopy, but I need electronic. Any leads?

  45. I am so excited to download the Audio Book of Mormon in German.
    I have downloaded both ipod & mp3 versions on my Samsung Galaxy S2 Skyrocket, but both say they are not compatible?
    Any ideas for me?

    • From what I understand, MP3 should be compatible with everything. I have no idea. Perhaps you need to check with the manufacturer, or where you bought it and ask why it won’t play MP3 files. I’ve never seen an iPOD, so know absolutely nothing about them.

  46. The tagalog is wrong. Its not kaanata, its kabanata. Which means chapter in english.

    • The tagalog is wrong…. I’m glad you pointed this out even though I don’t know who was so kind to translate it (the LDS church?). I have a question: How much of the Tagolog book is correct other than the kaanata? I see you probably want to help. It’s “wrong” seems to infer that the whole book is wrong. Do you mean that when you see the word kaanata it should be kabanata?

      • The LDS Church has a large committee that is in charge of translations. They use native speakers, as well as people who know the language well. It is possible that I made a typo when I was copying and pasting the text into Word. I can easily go back and make the correction in my files, and redo the PDF that is shared on this website.

  47. Found the audio of the Korean scriptures at the church’s Korea website:

  48. Thank you for the German audiobook. That’s not available on the official church website. Thank you for all the effort that went into this. I’m using it to learn the language, and it’s very helpful that you also posted the translated text that was read to make the audiobook, because that way I don’t get thrown off when the translation is a little different than the official. Thanks again!

  49. French Book of Mormon Audio:

  50. Susan, I was trying to find a source online for the Book of Mormon in Brazilian Portuguese. I tried here to both see it online or download the pdf version but all links show as Error 404. Don’t know why but I’d appreciate some help to get this. Thanks for doing a great job.

  51. I managed to download the French audio Book of Mormon from the link above (which sadly no longer works), but only up to Alma 48 before it was removed, unfortunately. Why oh why did I procrastinate? I kept thinking, oh, I’ll download the rest of that some day. Sigh.

    I have however found another way, thanks to Susan. It is not perfect, but it is really very good and such a great help. I am very happy to finally be able to listen to the Book of Mormon and Doctrine & Covenants on my iPhone/iPad in either a male or female French voice, and at whatever speed I like! This will also work with other languages as long as they are available in the app.

    Here is how to do it, in case others can benefit:

    Method A:
    1. Download the files so kindly provided by Susan on this site
    2. Download the app vBookz, and the language of your choice as an in-app purchase
    3. Go to iTunes on your computer and attach your IOS device
    4. Go to the Apps window, then scroll down to File Sharing (“The apps listed below can transfer documents between your iPhone/iPad and this computer”)
    5. Go to vBookz in this list
    6. Drag the pdfs into the vBookz list
    7. Open vBookz on your IOS device, press play, and listen 🙂 🙂

    Method B:
    1. Download the files so kindly provided by Susan on this site
    2. Upload the pdf files to Dropbox
    3. Download the app vBookz, and the language of your choice as an in-app purchase
    4. Open the pdf files within Dropbox
    5. Select the Share symbol (open box with up arrow)
    6. Select “Open In…” and choose vBookz
    7. Press play, and listen 🙂 🙂

    • I almost forgot to say, THANK YOU, Susan. Your hard work is blessing my life. May you gain much joy from the fruits of your labours!

  52. Jonathan Walker said:

    My name is Elder Jonathan Walker. My wife and I recently returned from serving the Russian Novosibirsk Mission. Working with Elder and Sr. Nelson from the Vladivostok Russian mission. We recently completed a project which involved members and nonmembers to produce an audiobook of the newest translation of the book of Mormon in Russian. This means there is now an audiobook available in Russian. This project included over 500 hours or audio footage and thousands of hours of editing to produce. The audiobook files are available for the public for free download from a public sky drive at the following link.

    Please help us share this incredible resource.

    The text was read by a native of a Vladivostok Russia. Missionaries performed the audio editing and file assembly. The sky drive is managed by Elder and Mark Nelson.

    from everyone involved in the project

    Sent from my iPhone

  53. can i get another link for the book of mormon in Italian (audio)? the one showing its not available no more.


  54. I believe that there never was an audio in Italian, and that the description on this site is mistaken in indicating that there ever was. You can however follow my instructions above to create your own.

  55. Hi, the Danish audio link is not loading. Any chance of another one out there? 🙂 Thank you!

  56. hola, el audio en italiano le falta 2 nefi 20

  57. I am a visually impaired person so I like to read on a kindle. I want to read the Book of Mormon on my kindle in Korean. Even if it was in pdf format, I would be so grateful!

  58. I am sure there are versions of the Book of Mormon in all the languages of Europe, in some Asian and Adrican languages and even in some American Indigenous languages. This material can be found in:
    Choose the language and you can download the versión desired.

  59. The Book of Mormon is not yet in every language of Europe or Africa, or even in American indigenous languages. Before a translation is approved, there has to be a certain number of people who need that language, as well as people who can translate the Book of Mormon correctly. As the need arises, the Church approves the translation. So far, the Book of Mormon has been translated into 82 languages. The electronic text of the Book of Mormon is available in 21 languages at .

  60. Renata Baratelli said:

    Please, please, please… Make the italian BOM in Mp3 available to me….
    Thank you in advance!

  61. I would like an individual MP3 of Il Libro di Mormon audio in Italian sent to my email, please.


  62. It’s great you found this website, and we thank you for visiting. We don’t send emails. If you wish to download a file, you are welcome to do so. If you wish to follow a link, you are free to do so. I do not know if the Book of Mormon in Italian is available in audio. You would have to check on the Church website to see if it’s there.

  63. I would like the Italian BOM mp3, please?

  64. Sadly, there is no MP3 of the Book of Mormon in italian. And, if this were available, we would not be sending it to you, you would have to download it on your own. Check at the Church website regularly to find audio files of the Book of Mormon in all other languages.

  65. Is there an audio version of the Book of Mormon in the language: Rarotongan ( Cook Island Maori)?

  66. I just came across this site. Thank you, Susan and uft36 for your hard work on behalf of so many others.

  67. i’m looking for D&C tagalog version ^_^

  68. If you look at the top of this page, you will find a link to download the D&C in Tagalog. All the download links are at the top of this page. The links are underlined and in blue. I hope this helps.

  69. This page lists all of the translations of the scriptures that the Church has done, as well as links to any PDFs that are hosted on

  70. Thank you!

  71. William Choate, Before a translation is approved, there has to be a certain number of people who need that language, as well as native speakers of the language who can translate the Book of Mormon correctly. As the need arises, the Church approves the translation. So far, the Book of Mormon has been translated into 82 languages. The electronic text of the Book of Mormon is available in 21 languages at Based upon the available information, there are no native speakers of Latin, therefore, no need of a translation into that language. Of course, all of this is up to the General Authorities of the Church.

  72. I am looking for an audio version of the Book of Mormon in Danish. I see that I can listen to it on here but i’m not finding how to download or buy it? Can you please help me?! I need these asap.

  73. not sure if you figured it out yet but when you click on a chapter in the upper right corner there are two the left of the flags is an audio on it and a new page will open up with a player..there is a download arrow tom the right.. I am using Opera which is Chrome based so it should work..I am not sure about downloading the whole book in Danish but you can at least download each chapter..hope this helps..

  74. Gad Leybharts said:

    I cannot thank you enough, you are doing something so needed now-a-days, when the enemy is piercing through with it’s all seeing eye, but the children of God are made of light, and the sons of perdition of black fog, darkness that is not merely abscense of light, which symbolically is life, which main conceptually graspable components are intelligence, love, interest in everything and everyone, and sheer astonishment and fascination, and our will to seek and follow God, and not images man made, or false goals that sent us away from the path to the Tree of Life. We are surrounded by these thick darkness but do not deserve it, and even may deserve it out of sins commited in the past, evenso in the pre-existence, but our resistance is *not* futile and we will rejoin our Celestial Family if we persist until the end, not falling to the coercion politically exerted but being true, honest hearts and honest, pure and clean spirits in the end, so we may enter, by the grace of God the only one, the merciful one, the powerful, the wise, into It’s presence, his presence (that of Father god), her presence (that of Mother godess) and all our celestial family. Thank you so much my beloved brother.

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